Solutions for Pharmaceutical Industry

Solutions for the pharmaceutical industry help production facilities run more efficiently and safely, and ensures supply chain integrity as chemicals are shipped around the world.
Certificates of Analysis Platform
Centralized source of truth for the management of Certificates-of-Analysis across chemical manufacturers, distributors and end-customers. Ensure the right CoA accompanies the correct product shipments, to the right customer, every time.
- Prevents incorrect batches being dispatched to customers
- Reduce product holds and rejections
- Avoid waste
Traceability Platform
Our Product Traceability Platform provides comprehensive, end-to-end visibility of inputs, Work-In-Progress through the plant, through shipping all the way to end customers. Can operate standalone to track chemical shipments, or in conjunction with our Certificates of Analysis platform.
- Process & CCP Compliance
- Hygiene Compliance
- People Safety (inc. PPE, Lock Tagout)
Computer Vision AI Modules
- Process & CCP Compliance
- Hygiene Compliance
- People Safety (inc. PPE, Lock Tagout)